Friday, November 10, 2017

Do you Pray?

I said my very first prayer at 12 years old. I had recently come to know Christ and was deathly afraid my dad would go to hell when he died. A bit intense for such a young person, but it’s true. It was all I could think about.  I didn’t know how to pray, so I just talked to God: I asked, by some miracle, that my dad would visit my church and have his own relationship with God. I can’t quite say how long I prayed for, but I’ll never forget the joy I felt seeing my dad walk up for altar prayer.

Many years would go by before I’d pray to God again. To be honest I don’t recall a single prayer during my teens. I attended church sure, sang in the youth choir, told all my friends what God said to do and not to do. But prayer wasn’t really my thing. It just seemed like such a privilege that one needed a secret code to get access to God. Plus, why would I pray? I had everything I needed.  

In 2014, at 29 years old, I lived right outside Chicago, worked downtown and was barely making it financially. The good thing was, by then I had truly renewed my love of Christ. As a single woman, nothing brought me more pleasure than coming home just to come before the feet of Jesus.

One day I came home, flipped on the light switch, and nothing happened. My electricity had been cut off! I knew it was coming, I hadn’t paid the bill in 3 months; I owed about $750, which was equivalent to my rent. It was my own fault. Not that I’m a big spender, I actually hate shopping, I’d simply taken on more than I could handle, while only bringing in $13/hr. Every month I had to decide which bill was most important. Not considering the late fees that would be added on. Adulthood, ugh!

Because I was almost 30 I had made up my mind that I wouldn’t call my dad or anyone else to bail me out. I even kept it from everyone as long as I could. At home I ate peanut butter and jelly most nights. I got used to the cold showers after a while, thankfully it was summertime. But I talked to God repeatedly. What else could I do? I didn’t know how or when, but I knew God would take care of me.

After what seemed the longest 3 months of my life, I was finally able to pay the entire electric bill! YAY! To this day, I have no clue where the money came from. I simply remember it being the exact amount I needed to pay the electric company, in addition to other bills. I knew once I got home and flipped the light switch, it would come on. I stared at the light and just smiled. All the countless prayers, the nights I cried myself to sleep begging the Lord to help me, the shame I felt going to a friends for dinner to avoid another sandwich, the cold showers, the doubt if God would even come through; all were beyond worth it in the end. My surroundings showed no evidence of my breakthrough, but I KNEW it was coming because I FELT it. The God of the bible became so REAL, I couldn’t keep the praise inside if I wanted to! I got on my knees right away as the tears fell, thanking and praising my Creator.

I can recall a conversation I had with one of my best friends. I’d updated her on that time period when my electricity was off. She was in utter shock as she had no idea. She recalled a few times we talked during that period and there was no indication I was going through anything. She even said that if she had endured what I had, she might have killed herself. I assured her while there were days when the weight of life seemed too heavy and the thought had crossed my mind, I chose to believe that God would work things out for me. I’d spent my whole life claiming to be Christian, yet slow to seek the Lord when in trouble (my dad was always my first call). I simply prayed for a miracle and God provided.

It’s that breakthrough which started the fire for my prayer life. Some things I’ve prayed for and God answered right away. Other things have taken time to get answered. I can in no way explain why He does things the way He does, but I can tell you that prayer will change your life. Prayer in fact works!

I’ve had the privilege of being asked to pray for several friends of mine. This is when I began to see the power of God really move. The supernatural intertwines with the physical world and reveals how amazing God is! Here are a few of those prayers and the outcomes:

I had run into this guy, Ray*, a few times. We had mutual friends so we’d have casual conversations here and there. We even exchanged numbers, but still keeping the conversation casual and friendly. One afternoon Ray texted and asked if I would accompany him to the movies. I immediately responded sure. I then asked for the movie info so I could meet him. Here was an attractive, Christian, man asking me out. My heart jumped with excitement as I thought of what could become of us. Then I felt God trying to get my attention. I got to my knees and prayed. I was honest with God and told him I liked Ray, but I wanted His will for my life. If Ray was not the man He has for me as my husband, there’s no point in even going to the movies with him. I asked God specifically to somehow block Ray from ever texting me the movie info, if he wasn’t my husband. Guess what? I never received a response. I couldn’t help but wonder though, what was his excuse for never responding. I saw him some time later and asked him what happened. He said he just decided to go alone. No big deal right? The real question is, would he have decided that had I not prayed? Doesn’t matter. God answered, he’s not my husband. See how God works when you pray? I’ve learned it’s important to be specific too!
Kathy, a female colleague, had an issue with me. I thought I was imagining it until another colleague brought it up. I then began to pray and ask God to soften her heart. That whatever bitterness she held on to would slowly dissipate from her. Pretty soon when I’d say ‘good morning’ or address her directly, she’d smile and respond, instead of avoiding eye contact and acting as if I didn’t exist. Now, she smiles automatically when we pass one another. Sometimes she’ll even speak first!

For years I’ve been praying for Michelle’s salvation. That she would no longer seek fulfilment from the people and things of this world, but truly accept Christ in her heart. While that has yet to happen, I can say that she no longer practices Buddhism and has even asked me to pray with her. I’ve added to that prayer that she would come to my church. That hasn’t happened either, however just recently she texted me and said her daughter asked her why they don’t go to church, completely out the blue. My continuous prayer has allowed God to plant seeds over the years in her heart. He know what He’s doing. We just have to trust Him.

Mike has been a family friend for some time. It’d been years since he’s come around. However, one day I was before the Lord in prayer, when his name suddenly appeared in my head. The more I continued to pray, the harder it was to ignore his name. Last I heard of him, he’d gotten married some years prior. I began to pray for him, his wife, his parents, and siblings. I even prayed for his children, not knowing if he had any at the time or not. I had no clue what had happened, but since the Lord placed him on my heart I knew it was bad. About a month later while at a cousin’s house, I was informed of something very unfortunate he was currently going through. My family and I continued to pray for Mike, all checking in when we could. As the months went by, my prayers began to change. God delivered him from the situation. However, healing and recovery were necessary. One Friday he crossed my mind, so I reached out. He told me he was good, but I knew he was lying. I felt it. I began to pray for the Lord to heal and remove all brokenness and that his desire for the Lord would increase, that he’d be surrounded by real men of God that could pour into him, and one day that he’d cry out to God for help in surrender. The following Sunday, just 2 days later, he reaches out to me. He first admits he wasn’t forthcoming before by telling me he was good. He also told me that he went to church that morning and cried out to God for help at the altar. I jumped up when I read that message. I had asked God for something, again being specific and He answered. God is nothing short of good!

My friend Nicky asked me to pray for her dad. He was in an accident and at the hospital. He could not breathe on his own and was barely aware of his surroundings. He was expected to pass away within hours. I prayed almost daily that the Lord wouldn’t allow his body to give up until the Lord had done whatever He needed to do with him in that current state. I also prayed for Nicky’s peace. She was able to get 4 more months with her dad. By the time he did pass away, she told me she had made peace with his death and in a way had mourned her loss.

Paula and Aaron Davis asked me to pray for a house they were trying to move into. The renter was asking for $1,600, but that amount was too high. They were also competing with other buyers. I asked God for a miracle. That He would show out in such a way no one would doubt He provided them with this house. I asked that they would be granted the house, even if another couple offered the asking price. I also asked that the renter would lower the price to $1,500, then changed it to $1,450. God can do anything! The morning after my prayer I get a call from Aaron. When I answered he practically yelled at me, “Did you pray for us?!?!” He explained the renter left a voicemail on Paula’s phone; they were offered the house, even though there was a couple willing to pay the asking price. The rent would be lowered to $1,500. Paula then called back with the intent to negotiate the price slightly down. Before she could say anything, the renter repeated her message; they got the house, but instead of $1,500, they’d pay $1,450! Without Paula uttering a word. Now, on the phone with Aaron, I screamed! I told him that was the EXACT amount I asked during my prayer!

You might read these occurrences and chalk them up to coincidences or pure happenstance, but the same God that split the Red Sea, is the same God I prayed to. The same God that shut the lion’s mouth to not harm Daniel is the same God that allows you to read these words. The same God that raised Lazarus from the dead is the same God that longs to hear you talk to Him.

I’ve always wondered to myself why God performed such miracles during Biblical days and not now, but He does.  God performs miracles through us. Because of Christ, we have the power of the Holy Spirit within us. When we pray with sincerity and truly pour our hearts to the Father He hears us. When enough of us pray the same prayer, the Holy Spirit is that more powerful to work. We have the privilege of being able to go before the Holy Throne anytime, anyplace, for anything. I urge you to take advantage. This isn’t a means to get anything you ask, like sitting on Santa’s lap for Christmas presents. I mean just talk to Him. Let the words of your heart speak.   

*Names have been changed to protect those mentioned.

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